LYFE Medicare


11 February, 2023

Peripherally Inserted Central catheter (PICC Line)

What is a PICC Line?

A peripherally inserted central catheter also called the PICC line is typically a thin tube. This thin tube structure is inserted in the vein and normally in the arm and is guided in the large vein near heart. Rarely PICC line may be inserted in leg.

PICC line is used to administer medications like chemotherapy and nutrition. As chemotherapy requires multiple sessions PICC line may save the patients from multiple painful pricking every time. It also prevents resultant redness and irritation of veins.

PICC line insertion can be done by a nurse, doctor or other trained medical provider.

The procedure can be done on outpatient basis and does not usually require in patient admission.

What are the uses of PICC line?

  • For cancer treatment: decline once inserted can be used for the multiple sessions of chemotherapy without giving much pain to the patient with avoidance of the risk of inflammation of the veins.
  • Nutrition: parenteral nutrition can be given through the PICC line in case of severe nutritional deficiency which requires total parenteral nutrition
  • It is also used for prolonged administration of antibiotics in ICUs.
  • PICC line can also be used for withdrawing of the samples for blood testing

What is the procedure for insertion of PICC line?

Before insertion of the PICC line your doctor would be asking you to get certain tests done such as blood coagulation parameters like PT-INR and a PTT. You need to stop any blood thinners (like aspirin or clopidogrel) you have been taking.

The first step in insertion of PICC line is choosing a right arm. Typically, a non-dominant arm is chosen to insert the PICC line.

The entire procedure is done under ultrasound guidance. Once the doctor chooses a healthy vein, local anaesthesia is administered to start the procedure. Then a needle is inserted through the skin and a small cut is made into other into the vein. Once incision is made, catheter is advanced along with the vein towards the heart. The doctor continuously monitors through ultrasonic machine whether the catheter has reached the correct position. The other end of the catheter sticks to the arm and is capped so as to keep it jerk free.

Precautions after pick line insertion

  • A patient is advised not to lift the heavy objects. He is also advised to avoid taking the blood pressure reading on the arm at which the PICC line is inserted. The patient is also advised to save the PICC line to come into contact with water another term that to avoid the use of swimming pool and other such activities.
  • Also, important to keep the PICC line infection free and to regularly check for the signs of any infection in the PICC line.
  • The patient should keep the PICC line covered so that the water should not enter while taking a bath or a shower.

PICC line removal

Your doctor is the best judge to prescribe the timing of the removal of PICC line. Where further medication is needed, the doctor may recommend to keep the PICC line for a longer time. However, if the doctor deems it fit to remove the PICC line the doctor will gently pull the catheter to remove it from your arm.

PICC line is inserted/removed at LYFE Oncology Delhi by the experts at affordable / cheap cost.

Category : PICC Line

Tags: cancer treatment , Peripherally Inserted Central catheter , PICC Line

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