Stomach is a muscular bag located in the upper part of the abdomen. Its function is to receive food from food pipe and break it down into smaller food particles for digestion. Any cancer appearing here would be called as stomach cancer. Stomach cancers are aggressive as they spread fast. With recent advancement in the management of the stomach cancer the survival has improved significantly.
Risk Factors are: Smoking and Alcohol are most important risk factors. Smoked foods, obesity, diet poor in fruits and vegetables, H ppylori infection, gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and prolonged inflammation (Gastritis) are other risk factors for the development of stomach cancers.
The symptoms of Stomach Cancer are as follows:
When any of the above symptoms occur, do consult your doctor who may prescribe the following tests:
The treatment is devised according to general health of the patient, type, location and stage of the tumors. It involves
Surgery: Surgery is the mainstay of the treatment. It involves removal of the part of the stomach bearing the tumor along with the regional Lymph nodes. The stomach removal (gastrectomy) can be of different types
In early stage tumors which are limited to the mucosa of the stomach endoscopic removal can also be done.
The above mentioned surgeries are done with an open approach or minimal invasive approaches (Laparoscopic or Robotic).
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is usually given with radiotherapy. In some cases it is given before or after radiotherapy. Sometimes it may be used preoperatively to decrease the size of the tumors
Radiotherapy: Radiation therapy may be employed in certain higher stage tumors. It is usually combined with the chemotherapy.
Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy: Targeted therapy is treatment specifically meant to attack specifics targets on tumor cells, thus leading to minimal harm to normal cells. Immunotherapy is meant to modulate the immune e system to increase cancer cell kill. Immunotherapy is usually reserved for advanced spread out tumors.
Category : Stomach Cancer