LYFE Medicare


FAQ's About Chemotherapy

1. Whether there are any side effects of Chemotherapy?

Typically, the Chemotherapies are dispensed in multiple sessions separated by a period of few weeks. The patients typically face skin problems such as hair loss etc. The other side effects are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea etc.

These side effects are temporary and are reversible once the treatment is completed.

2. How Chemotherapies are dispensed?

Chemotherapies are intravenous injections which are usually administered through PICC line or Chemoport for better comfort of the patients.

3. Is there any specific dietary plan that one should follow during the course of treatment?

During the chemotherapy doctors usually advise to maintain good hygiene. It is advisable to eat only freshly cut fruits and not to take anything from outside which is unhygienic.

4. Does a patient need to follow any specific dress code on the chemo day?

There is no dress code. But you should wear loose shirt so that the PICC line or Chemoport is easily accessible.

5. What important things to be take care of during or after the chemotherapy sessions?
  • Good diet;
  • Emotional well being;
  • Regular exercise or yoga;
  • Physiotherapy on need basis
6. Whether LYFE offers diagnostic services?

LYFE Oncology has tie ups with few of the diagnostic centres. The patient can give the sample at the Centre itself and directly pay for the tests.