LYFE Medicare

Laser Clinic

Dermatology in Delhi

LYFE Oncology in association with Dermavision, The Skin clinic provides a comprehensive care to the patients. Dr. Kiran Gupta has a vast and rich experience in treating the patients in all aspect of skin related issues.

What Dermavision Offers:-


What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peeling means removing the damaged outer layer of skin using mild chemicals. Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments that involve using acids to exfoliate the skin.

Uses of Chemical peels

Chemical peels are used for treating:


Different Types of Chemical Peels

Differentiation is basis the depth a exfoliant accesses the skin. The basic types are:


The choice of chemical peels is dependent upon type and shade of skin and the problem which peel is supposed to address.

Vitiligo Surgery

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition where white patches develop on the skin. It's caused by the lack of melanin, the pigment in skin.

Vitiligo can affect any area of skin, but it commonly happens on the face, neck and hands, and in skin creases.

Vitiligo does not cause discomfort to your skin, such as dryness, itchig, is completely asymptomatic.

Cause of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is caused by the lack of a pigment called melanin in the skin. Melanin is produced by skin cells called melanocytes, and it gives your skin its colour.

Risk Factors

You may be at increased risk of developing non-segmental vitiligo if:

Complications of Vitiligo

Because of a lack of melanin, your skin will be more vulnerable to the effects of the sun. Make sure you use a strong sunscreen to avoid sunburn. Vitiligo may also be associated with eye problems,

How is Vitiligo treated?

Vitiligo Surgery is treated with a combination of topical agents, phototherapy (PUVA or NB-UVB), immuno-modulators and surgery. Therapeutics is targeted at two aspects: Stabilisation of Disease Process (Cessation of ongoing depigmentation) and Re-Pigmentation (Formation of new pigment at the white areas). In stable disease, surgical strategies to re-pigment the white patches are often resorted to.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a newer method for the treatment of hair loss. As name suggests Platelet-rich plasma is simply blood that contains more platelets than normal. Platlets contain growth factors triggering cell reproduction and stimulating healing in the treated area.

Usage of PRP

Hair Loss

PRP injections can be effective in treating male pattern baldness, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. PRP can also aid in t

As PRP is prepared form your own blood, there are not significant side effects for the procedure.

Laser Treatments

Acne Scar Removal

Laser Acne Scar Removal is aimed at improving the surface texture and promoting proliferation of soft tissue in the scare defect.

Fractional Resurfacing Surgery

Fractional skin resurfacing corrects mild to severe skin problems including open pores, irregular skin texture, acne scars, stretch marks, dark spots and deep wrinkles.

Laser Hair Removal

An unwanted growth of hairs can be easily treated with laser hair removal treatment, The treatment is often effective and long lasting.

Tattoo Removal While putting up a Tattoo is easy, removing it is not that easy. Tattoo removal should be done by expert dermatologists and with laser to have painless and effective results.

Effective way to remove tattoo is with a laser.

Microderma Abrasions

It is an effective procedure to improve the skin texture. It involves removing the superficial layers of the skin with the help of derma-abraders. It is a safe and very effective procedure which brings a new glow to the skin.